Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sweetness Saturday

Ever get the feeling that you have bitten off more than you can chew?  Ugh me too.  Have too many balls in the air?  Me, too.  It's like we're the same people.  One would think that as the school year wraps up my life would get easier...nope, it keeps getting more hectic.  Not that hectic is bad.  I like to be busy, it keeps me out of trouble, if you know what I mean. So when stuff like that happens I'm not really sure what to do and I don't always know where to start.  Of course, like any logical person, I just start doing little pieces of everything.  I'm working on this about myself, this is an on going process.  I've got so much to say that I can't say anything...make sense?  The past 2 days I have sat down and pulled up my blog to write.  As you can tell, I haven't been able to come up with anything to exciting.  I read a few blogs and I get that don't have to write hourly, daily, or even's just one of those things.  I kind of want to.  So since I don't really have anything too juicy to talk about I am hoping that after today I'll feel a little more under control at home.  My mommy is coming to town (she only lives 45 minutes away) to watch the kids play T-ball and then babysit the kids so Scott and I can have a honey date...we're going to enjoy a quick and peaceful lunch alone.  With a little break to lighten the load and Scott having off the next 3 days, hopefully, we can wrap up the playroom/bedroom swap out. 

Because I enjoy this I think I can come up with a few for my sweetness Saturday post...wish me luck.
1.  I get to see my mommy!  What makes that even better, since I don't really think she comes to visit me anymore, she's going to babysit the kids, Scott and I get to spend some long awaited adult time alone.  As I am thinking, I actually don't remember the last time we had an out of the house honey date alone.  Gosh, maybe over my spring break we got to have a lunch date before we got our taxes done...unless I'm missing something in between...that was in March.  Oh as I was finishing up, I do remember we had one about 6 or 7 weeks ago when we went to visit my sister in the hospital without the kids...does that count as a date?  So it will be so sweet to stare across the table to look longingly at my main squeeze.  I mean we do things like a late dinner or movie at home or adventures in the never mind it's not appropriate to blog about, it's just more difficult to get time out of the house with his rotating, second shift schedule and a budget that doesn't allow for a nanny or on call's all good, it's the season of our life and we love it!  We take what we can get. 
2.  The first and maybe only coat is almost on the walls of Camden's old bedroom, which is going to transform into the new TV/reading room.  This will be sweet because when you have kids and they have toys things get a little crazy.  I am making the kids keep all their toys in their rooms or in the basement.  It gets nuts with toys everywhere in this joint.  In my head this plan works out perfectly, let's see if reality is the same.  I'll keep ya posted.
3.  Kenley and I were able to spend some quality time together last night.  Camden went to watch our older neighbor boy play baseball.  Our younger neighbor is Camden's BFF, since they are one year apart and have been playing together for 5 years.  She was very upset that Camden has a BFF and she doesn't.  Although she did tell me I was her BFF.  A few weeks ago, she also told me that she loved me more than her beautiful dresses...see isn't that sweet.  Although I am pretty sure her beautiful dresses can't take care of her like I do.  Anyway, Kenley got her ears pierced 6 weeks ago.  Time sure flies.  We went shopping for new earrings and a earring rack.  Nothing like shopping to make a girl happy!
4.  Camden's school year is wrapping up.  It's bitter sweet that my baby is going to be heading into first grade.  I am not sure if I should feel happy that he's one step closer to getting out of my hair becoming a man or crying because I'm really starting to feel like an old bat my baby boy is growing up.  If you recall I've been dealing with a young vandal and a spitter...which I didn't blog about...I've got to keep somethings private people.  I got 2 phone calls from his teacher within a week and I thought I was going to commit a crime but it's all good's super sweet that I haven't heard from his teacher all week.  He deserves a pat on the back or something. 
5.  Finally, it's sweet that for having nothing to say or not knowing where to start I have completed another blog entry.  SWEET...

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